Tuesday, June 9, 2020

In What Kind Of Messed Up World Do We Live?

My heart hurts.
Every story.
Every newscast.

Hearing about yet another one of our brothers killed by the hands (or knee) of someone who believes he is more important. In what kind of messed up world do we live?

I read an article about a mother having to have that talk with her black son. Not the birds and bees talk. No, this talk is more difficult. And you probably should start at a younger age.
I can’t remember where I saw and who wrote it, but no parent should have to tell their son that they will be treated differently because he is black.
How can you explain so a young child understands that no matter how kind he is, there will be someone that does not like him because of the color of his skin? How do you prepare your child for that? How do you tell your child that even when he has done nothing wrong, there are some people that will accuse him, and there are some police, even though sworn to protect, that will do him harm?

This is hard to write this because it brings emotions that are not pleasant, and quite frankly hard to process.
That article had one sentence that that really touched my heart and although I cannot remember exactly, it was along the lines of:
When did my black baby boy stop being cute and turn into a threat to you?
My heart!

I have a friend that is raising twin teenage sons. She has an older son and daughter as well, but I worry about her teenage sons.
I cannot imagine the fear and pain going through her mind. Raising teenagers is hard enough, throw into that a world where there are some, usually the loudest most ignorant of the ignorami, that want to see your son dead. 
It is sad.
It is sick.
It is disgusting.

We were all teenagers once. We thought we knew it all. How do you tell your teenager to be careful, not to be a smart ass to people that can take things too far? How do you tell them they can’t really be who they are because someone might take their comments out of context. How do you tell your teenager not to say or do anything that might get them killed?


I cannot imagine having that talk. I do not want to think about having to have that talk. To my friend, I say, I am so sorry we live in a world where there is so much hate. I am so sorry that she must have that conversation. As parents, we always worry about our children’s safety. This is going beyond the -don’t stick your finger in the light socket- or – do not shove the raisin up your nose. This is -be careful my baby boy because there are sick people that will lie and hurt you.
 I hope there is a time someday soon when we will not have to worry so much about their safety. Someday, hopefully, someday.

This really is not meant to be a political post. But I would be remiss if I did not point out that the current administration makes it easy for the haters to be hateful. For the violent to be violent. This administration makes it possible for some people to spew their hate.
There has always been hate towards people that are different, I do not understand why they just cannot get along and love one another.

I want to say that the majority of people are good, kind, and loving. I want to say that it doesn't seem that way because the haters are loud. We have to change that. We need to be the change.

All babies are adorable. Why is it, if you are a black baby boy, you are introduced at a really young age that people will want you dead because you are black.

I cannot comprehend.