Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Let The Healing Begin



Not going to lie, I’ve been called a Pollyanna a few times in my life but it seems that went away a few months after the last inauguration.


I have made no secret regarding how I felt about the PREVIOUS President. Maybe I was too vocal as I have lost a few ‘friends’ and have been called really nasty names because I had such strong negative feelings about him. It is not easy when you realize people you loved have equally strong feelings for what you believe is the opposite of what is good, decent & kind.

It is sad and a bit embarrassing to admit that I changed listening to the daily, heck maybe hourly vitriol that spewed freely.

That said, as I am watching the Inauguration of our new President and Vice President, I realized that it must have weighed heavier on my soul than I realized. For the first time in- I cannot tell you how long- I feel a lightness about me that feels familiar.

I know a lot of people (people I was once close to) that have extraordinarily strong feelings of their own- whether it be for or against, and that is okay. I say the same thing to them as I would have hoped they would have said to me- - - let us not talk about politics – agree to disagree. Our friendship goes so far back, we helped us become who we are.  I struggle with what I think is decent and good for others and realizing that not everyone wants what is good for others. I can’t understand how, as a human, we can’t want for others that what others have. I want peace. I want love. I want happiness ( I hear Al Green in my head) for everyone.

Let kindness prevail.

I did not realize what I was missing until today when I felt that lightness again.

I missed the lightness.

I miss who I was before 45. 

Let the healing begin. Bless you all. Thanks for reading my ramblings.

1 comment:

  1. Let the healing begin. I miss the way we were before 45 also. The calm, unity. Am pray for all of us for strength to rise above the division that has been created & to get rid of this virus..
